
Household Compulsive Hoarding

When hoarding goes beyond unkempt living quarters, restricted mobility and the need for de-cluttering, it opens up the potential for major bio-hazardous concerns. Serious health risks can result from exposure to infestation, animal or human waste, needles, mold and decomposing garbage. These conditions can affect the hoarder, family, first responders, support personnel, neighbors and even property value.

Medic Services has the experience, training and permits to clean-up compulsive hoarding situations. And, perhaps most importantly, the willingness to handle bio-hazardous material, in the most responsible and appropriate manner.

Contact us today for a free visual inspection and quote.




Animal Faeces & Urine

Animal faeces & urine can be infectious and pose a considerable risk of illness if not properly handled. Along with the daunting and difficult task of removing the fecal matter or urine, strong odors may also be associated with the faeces. Although a visual inspection of a scene affected by animal faeces may reveal a great deal of fecal matter, an equal amount will be found by our technicians in areas that cannot be seen or easily accessed. It is vital that all traces of animal faeces be removed from a scene.






Odor Removal



Odor caused by animals, cooking, smoking and bio hazardous materials can be very difficult to remove.  Medic Services uses specialized equipment and chemicals that will not only remove the smell but eliminate the source of the problem. 


The technicians at Medic Services have received extensive training in all types of bio-hazardous, infectious materials and in the use of various chemicals, all of which are environmentally friendly and completely safe. In conjunction with specialized training in the detection and removal of bio-hazardous materials, our technicians will restore your home or business to a safe environment.


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